Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Not sooo Grey anymore .....
It was very low key around the house, the boys were gone and for one day it was just K and I as Sean played golf.
The weekend kicked off good... I went to the LSB and scrapped friday night with friends.
I actually just worked on 12x12 page LO and got four finished.
Saturday K& I hit the farmers market downtown and I left the camera on the counter, I had plans of taking some cool pics. The flower booth was VERY cool and of course my girl walked a away with an armload for ten bucks!!! VERY COOL!
After a lunch of fruit and cheese we hit the pool and then took a nap on the coach together.
Pure bliss because K usually isn't the sleep with mom snuggle bug.
Sean came home and we ate dinner and watched a movie.
Sunday was MY DAY! I got to go on a field trip day with some girlfriends. We headed north of Sac and hit the Green Tangerine scrap store. Very nice store , got some of the new ELISA Flanigan papers.. oh so cute.. one item was even material with adhesive on the back.. my mind was spinning.
The grand highlight was visiting IKEA.. it was HUGE and so cool. It took us three hours walking around looking at things, very cool. I got K a misquote netting tent thing to alter for her princess room. Hope to work on that this weekend. My girlfriend Jeanette bought some stuff for her daughters room, can't wait to spin my creativity on that gem!
Monday was homework then Margarita by the neighbors pool.
This morning I'm exhausted and dragging getting started.....
at least I'm not Grey anymore ;)
Peace Out!
Thursday, May 24, 2007
my mood has been Grey's
Its taken me a week to get over the season finale.
I never had a show effect me this much ( obessising over it other that while its on )... well GH runs close but Greys I can watch out in the open and be proud unlike soaps.. (I watch those in the closet when the kids are napping and I'm eating my lunch... and of course I like to justify that watching GH makes me feel closer to my Grandmother who I use to watch it with everyday after school.).....
anyways GREYS...
I was SOOO angry , the show left you hanging in every way...
Christina/Burke - I don't like Christina.. she's so full of herself and so blunt with no reguard to others feelings. Burke deserves better I'm glad he saw the light and left her at the alter.. now maybe she can realize what she lost. I hope he hasn't left the show since he didn't get Chiefs job.
Izzie, Izzie, Izzie - love her, and I could see the thing with George coming but its way too soon after Denny. And she better watch out for Callie.
George- I use to like him , but now he's a cheater... UGH! he needs a backbone and deal with some moral issues. He's a mess no wonder why he failed the test! And to try to have a baby with a wife he cheated on... UGH! Go away!
Callie - I have grown to like her, felt sorry for her in the past being the outsider and can't remember if she slept with McSteamy after they were married but that was not good.. But I wish she'd ditch George. They're not good for each other. Don't understand why she got Chief Resident when she isn't even worthy enough to have her own pack of interns.
Miranda Bailey - I feel her pain. Wants to still be the tough Bailey but it is harder post-baby than she expected. She is mothering her crew now, too. Even with her mistakes I think she deserved Chief Resident for her teaching role.
Adele & the Chief - so happy they are together again. They have the most adult relationship of the bunch, but she totally needed to rock his world to get his attention again.
Addison - I HATED the last two hour Grey's and she spun off to LA.. ugh hated that, and then I find out shes got a new show coming... UGH don't think I'll waste my time with that. Brother and Sister or October Road seems more interesting than that Grey's wanttabe.
Alex/Ava/Rebecca - Alex , man I hated him what what he did to Izzie but now saving Ava.. ahhh what a guy! I hope he finds her.
Mer/Der - okay I think we're all tired of this push pull thing.. can't Meridith just get some happiness... it was aweful what happened to her step mom dying on her. Derek.. okay can you be alittle more understandning.... and if you date Mer sister I will have to hunt you down myself!! Then I will have to stop watching the show.
Lexie - UGH, I dont want anymore interns to try to follow...I wonder it she even knows about her half sister and how she feels about her mother.. she seemed so happy on the show for just losing her mom. UGH
McSteamy = I could care less.. hate his face!He's such a dog!
Okay so theres my run down on the show that has me in a funk....
Can you beleive at Relay for Life there was even a booth that sold Greys t shirt... sold out even!
otherwise I would have been sporting one with the the big word .... SERIOUSLY across the front. The booth also was all setup to project in movie style the season finale for admission of $2.00 of course to be donated to RFL!!!
So if I didn;t have other obligations that night I would have been hanging with my other GA junkies.
thanks for reading me vent and get this all out... now maybe I can get on with my life for the summer at least ;)
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Lake Elizabeth, Fremont

Kaitlyn and I took off sunday morning and ended up at Lake Elizabeth in Fremont. Daddy was playing golf and the boys had no interest in going, so just us girls took off.
Fremont was the first city I lived in in California. I lived there for 8 years before moving to Tracy. So there is alot of history here for me and it was overwhleming all the changes that have happened in the last 20 years!! The gold course I worked at is gone and the Huge Sporting goods store I worked at is gone as well, both are now a condo complexs. The hospital the boys were born in is twice the size now. I didn't explore the whole city because someone was anxious to get to the park after the 45 minute ride from Tracy.
I use to take the boys to this lake when they were smaller than Kailtyn. Its a beautiful man made lake with a paved walkway around the lake . I was hoping Kailtyn would ride her bike around the lake and I would get a nice walk in, however the abundance of great playgrounds all over the park area called to her more. We did bring bread and fed the ducks, had ice cream cones and then took a ride on the paddle boats. It was a great day.
Monday, May 21, 2007
Monday, May 14, 2007
Preschool Mothers Day Tea

Kailtyn's preschool class hostessed at Mother's Day tea on thursday. It was so touching, they made the placemats, pudding cups with flowers in them. The little sandwitches and fruitsalad was so cute. They even waited on us. And if that wasn't cute enough they sang a song to us. This was all so cute.
Friday, May 11, 2007
Cute Altered Clipboard

Couldn't resist taking the clipboard from Kaitlyns preschool teacher and make it SOMETHING to look at! We sign in/out the kids.. so why not make it something to smile about!
Its very simple but I thought the colors were cool.
My Minds Eye paper, flower and ribbons and of course my buddy Modge Podge.
Her teacher loved it ;)
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Mother's Day

Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Wasn't MTV a music channel?
so then life happens and I'm not much of a tv person.. a have a few shows I have to watch but if I miss them life goes on....
well life went on for me and the next thing I know my 16 yr olds are watching MTV.. I didn't realize it because its not about music anymore its about"real life"... and REALLY is it real life?
Most of the time I have to ask them to turn the channel because the language is not approortate for the 4 year running around the house.
So after the 4 year olds in bed or napping MTV comes alive when the boys are home...
AGAIN its NOT music... it about teenagers.... the show PArental COntrol.... parents selecting date for their child while the one the parents dis approve of is watching the date with the parents! I got hooked watching it because I was in such awe! Is this real? Teenagers swearing and disrespecting their girlfriends/boyfriends parents , in the parents homes no less!!!
OH NO! That would have never happened in my house... myhusband still jumps when my father talks to him!!! Being enraged ... I now believe this is why our society is becoming so disrespectful. If my son's girlfreind called me a "hoe" in my home she would find herself on her A** on the other side of my front door!
So getting back to the music.... hmmm I guess thats why VH1 was created.
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Focus, Focus, Focus
Why is that I want to be doing something different rather than doing what I should be doing?
UGH... not sure if its a sign of spring or my natural nature to buck the system.
I love planning and I make lists and lists and schedules and write out plans but everytime I start doing what I am scheduled to do ... I want to do something else!!!!
This weekend we metup with a friend from back east in Sacramento.
We did lunch then "found" a golf expo, so while Kailtyn and I are sitting there watching Sean hit golfballs at the driving range a lady approached me about scrapbooking...
oh you MUST see the new scrap store in Rocklin... its only 13 miles away...hmmmmm what an excuse to get out of the hot 90 degree heat...
so I packed up Kailtyn and stole the car and headed 13 miles north!
Yes it was a georgous store! Green Tangerine is so hipp!!! Love it.. although its so clean and fresh that it doens't lean towrds the distressed clusteered style I lean towrds.
Bought a few things and Kailtyn indluged in her own basket with papers and embellishments!
Yes I am pro creativity when it come to teaching my child ART!
oh yeah where am I going with this....
so I got home that night all inspired to create and was WHAMMED with reality!
The scrapping has been lacking due to this thing call school!!!
Any then today when I have a little time..... I don't FEEL like scrappin..
so now I have come full circle with this rambling... why is it that I don't feel like doing what I am currently doing ?
UGH.... hope the urge to scrap surges for this weekend... National Scrapbook day! otherwiose I guess I will be drinking Margarita for Cinco de Mayo!!!