Saturday, September 22, 2007

Pink Poodle for an early Halloween

Kailtyn found her Halloween costume last weekend when we were out shopping on Sunday.
A poodle for Halloween? AHHHHH Hmmmm maybe you should be something else I suggested. We walked the store trying to get her to possibly change her mind.... needless to say the mind wasn't changed and the costume will probably be worn out before Halloween. At least tis not getting just one night of use. She has fallen alseep in it more than once. Its such thick fleece and probably very cozy for her even in 85 degree weather!

Saturday, September 08, 2007

getting back in the groove....

Oaky so I'm in the NEW PHASE.... I am so trying to get adjusted to working outside the home, the laudry and the dishes pile up and I feel so far behind in the housework when I come home from a whole day at the office...

Kailtyn is adjusting well, most of the time when I pick her up from extended care she doesn't want to leave.... what a relief... she goes there for about 5 minutes in the am so I can get across town by 8am for my job. She runs right in and doens't even look back....

I am in LOVE with the commute and driving my new car makes it even that much more enjoyable. I leave at 7:30 drop the kids off and I'm at my desk by 8am...LOVE IT.

The job is going well, I am learning the ropes . Their yearend is the end of Sept so I'm sure things will get busier soon.

Not much else new.. just learn to get back into the groove of working 8 hours a day!

Sunday, September 02, 2007

The next phase....

Ever feel like life is lived in stages? I feel that way. You have the stage of HS, then college, living on your own with your first REAL job, relationships, marriage/newleyweds, motherhood ( although you never grow out of this one/ mothering is a life long commitment), raising little ones, then ..... you slowly start to get YOUR identity back.....your not the Mommy.. slowwly you get to complete a project without interuptions from the little ones, then they learn to entertain themselves and form friendships.....

The place I'm going with this is I have been soaking up or embracing a new phase in my life.

Kailtyns in Kindergarden, matt's learning to drive ... and I got a new job!

Yes I got the job I wanted and interviewed for last week. I start tuesday. I am so excited!

It's a tax/accounting software company right here in Tracy. Its 10 minutes from my house.

They offered me great money and is a job that will utilize all my accounting skills. I have been walking on cloud nine since thursday!

With this new phase and after drive Kaitlyn and Matt to school the last two weeks in the Mustang, I was beginning to feel confined and it was a pain to get Kailtyn ina nd out of her car seat in the back of the Mustang. Sooooo..... driving by a car lot on the way to the Mall to get some new clothes for the new job .. this car caught my eye. Last november we test drove one but wasn't ready to let go of the Mustang then... I stopped and test drove the CHarger for 2 hours... I ended up bringin it home for Sean to checkout because its used.. only 9k miles!...
long story short we brought it home last night! I absolutely LOVE it.... its my first Car ( other than the convertiable in almost 10 years! We did the minivans, the jeeps, the suvs ( yes we still have the excursion.. the xlarge SUV) so now I have this beautiful car.. and its so luxurious inside I am sooo lovin it.. gotta get my homework done so we can take a drive .. maybe to the coast or the City, althought the Bay Bridge going into SFO is closed this weekend.....
Will I miss the convertiable? Yes there is a pang in my heart as I drove away... I'm trying to focus on the moonroof, the dvd for Kailtyn and all the room we have to stretch out..... and oh yeah the cooler color here in the 104 temps of late.