I can't believe its been a month since Iupdate my blog.... I rememeber the days I would search out my favorite blogger and be just a little miffed it there was nothing new! So now I'm the guilty one of what getting a life? Yes now my life is SOOO full my head hurts.....
We got thru Kailtyns 5th birthday this weekend, she was so into it , very excited and very aware of everything going on.... we held the party off site at Party HEarty.. a warehouse with five blowup jumpy the kids go wild on.. they ran themselves crazy and sweaty, we fed they cake open presents and went home 3 hours later to a quiet clean house!!! LOVED IT!!!
Included the family shot for those of you asking about Sean's back surgery... he had out patient back surgery to remove a bluging disc in his lower back. Last friday after hours at the hopsital waiting I drove him home at tem pm all drugged up . The doctor wants him out of work for a month, not sure if he'll last all month or not. He as been recouping slowly by sitting and standing while working on his latest RC Airplane and new gas engine for this huge thing.
The job has become very chanllenging cleaning up the mess from the prior accountant. The companies fiscal year end was 9/30 so the hours of auditing and correcting is starting to make me cranky! Thankfully there is left over birthday cake to relieve the stress..... which leads into the next update.... the diet... ahh tried today Monday to start backup.. after an icrediable stressful day at the office I caved and ate some mash potaotes and cake for dinner while trying to catchup on my homework.. which has slipped a little.. coupldn't catchup with the amount of weekend activitites I had this weekend.
I hopefull i can catchup and keep my sanity even if I have three birthday parties in two days to cart Kailtyn around too!!!
I'll try to update sooner , I'm also realizing I'm not taking as many pics as before.
And a BIG special THANKS to my buddy Shauna who took all the pics at Kailtyn party so I could be in some of them ;) Thanks so much!!!