My dad is the greatest, and I can still say that even if I'm forty! I admire my Dad's love and dedication of holidays. He not only never forgets a birthday he remembers all the small holidays .. Hallmark should be as proud of him as I am.
His rememberance is so appreciated by the kids.. even the almost 16 year olds.. Kaitlyn has learned to about these cards and what they mean... MONEY.
I should have taken a picture of her doing her happy dance the other day when she got the mail and asked if that card was really hers.. she read her name is more what I focused on.. she was so excited when the dollar bill fell out.. thats what she called it... we have all taken turn explaining to her that it is a ten dollar bill.....'OH a TEN dollar bill..." she keeps it in her princess purse till mommy and her go shopping.
Back to my Dad... he is so awesome to do his, it really means alot to the kids and I know they will remember it just as long as I remember ... Dad you rock! Love ya!!!
I will be sure and let your dad know how much you and the kids appreciate what he does.