Its done, my daughter's request to have earrings like mommy is forfilled. Daddy did not want her ears pierced when she was a baby but as soon as the girl was attracted to BLING she wanted her own earrings. and what Daddy could withold the gift of Bling from his princess ?
Its takena few months to contemplate this , we talked about it and walked passed THE CHAIR several times. This saturday afternoon the mood struck AFTER we left the mall.
She talked about it all saturday night and first thing when she woke sunday morning.
Soooo after church we went over to the mall and she was determined walking quickly directly to the store. When this girl has something in her mind noone can shake it.
She was a trooper scrambling up into the chair WITHOUT help and she waited patiently while the guns were prepared and didn't even appear to be nervous...... mommy on the other hand was relieved I had the camera to hold onto and Daddy was standing by to comfort if nessary his princess was in need.
She can't stop showing them to everyone and looking in the mirrors she passes to check it our again. Done complete..... six to eight weeks before we can go earring shopping ;)