Friday, April 20, 2007

Field trip

Did a trip up to Six Flags for the boys birthday.

I had an excursion full of teenage boys and kailtyn!

Yeah it was soooo much testostrone.... ahuh!

The boys took off as soon as we got into the park, Kaitlyn and I

spent the day with our friends that drove their car up.

Marine World was like a Sea World in the Bay Area back in the mid 80's,

then they moved to the North Bay andeventually changed to Six Flags a few years back.

Last time we were in NH ( 2004) we tried to go to the Six Flags in MA, but of course the unpredictable New England weather cancelled those plans.

Anyways it was a great day and Six Flags was VERY clean and the animal expereince was great.

Next time I want to ride the elephants first!

This time Kailtyn got to fed the Girraffes! It was soooo cool check it out!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you had a great time.
    Can't believe the boys are 16. Wow
