Thursday, June 21, 2007

First camping Trip of the year

It is hard to believe that I did not take out my camera for the whole trip!
We went up to Sly Creek Resvior ( okay I'm not a good speller here) friday.
With Sean working in Yuba City , 40 minutes north of sacramento, it appears we are going to have more camping trips because Sly Creek is only 45 min east of Yuba! Sean's company rented a furnished apartment up there so he has been coming home usually once in the middle of the week, unless he needs a Kailtyn monster hug.
With that said it was up to Matt and I to load up the camping stuff. He was a good sport about the task knowing that the end result was close at hand however it gave him a realization on how much packing and work goes into a camping trip. He helped with the shopping and packing.
LOVED this kid this weekend, I was beaming with pride, he even endured the Preschool Christian music on the ride up Friday! ( I thought I heard him humming one of the song during the trip .. shhhh don't tell anyone)

The lake was beautiful as always, it was low because of the lack of rain we had this year. It drops a foot a day ... so maybe by August we won't be wake boarding on the lake.

Despite our best efforts to have someone up there early to reserve sites , they lost them. So in the dark we had to try a new camp area on the other side of the lake.. the ranger said the camp had better beach. The campsites were great, so much more trees and there were even empty sites! By 11pm we were all setup in the dark with no neighbors to wake up.

When setting up we discovered the tent for Sean and I and Kaitlyn was not packed, someone had an extra two man tent... I volunteered to sleep in the back of the excursion to give Sean time with Kaitlyn and Kailtyn could have the tent experience... yeah it was such a sacrifice.

We spent the days taking turns with the teenage group for the boat. IT was the life floating on a gorgeous lake basking in the sun and enjoying adult beverages. Kailtyn enjoyed jumping off the boat and into the water over and over again.

I had to come home sunday night but Matt had the opportunity to stay up there with our friends and their teenager. He came home last night Wednesday with Sean for his midweek visit.
Matt was full of excitement and stories.. he learned to wake board and had a great time. ( Thanks Michelle)

I'm still in awe that I did not pull out the camera even once, I guess I was living the memories instead of shooting them and I guess that's okay once in a while.


  1. Sounds awesome! Several times lately I have forgotten the camera or just not taken it out too. Like you said sometime that's okay and with journaling or blogging you can still document the experience.

  2. Can't believe you forgot to pack your tent.It must run in the family,your father,mother,grammie and grandpie went fishing up to the big lake and realized that forgot the fishing poles half way up there.
