Off to Slycreek again for a four day camping adventure. This time we had 6 adults, 3 teenage boys, 2 dogs and Kailtyn. The newest thing for me this trip was towing a boat. I should have taken a picture but I didn't. I towed it approx 400 miles AND backed it down the LONG boat launch. It was an EXPERIENCE. It boosted my confidence and also gave me COOL MOM status with the boys.
The 3 boys were awesome, again they did most the packing of the camping equipment
They hitched up and washed the boat,packed it and did a great job. Very proud of them.
We got a late start on the road thursday afternoon due to a frantic seach for Kailtyn meow AGAIN.. after an hour we gave up and she was so excited to go camping she settle for one of the many alternative stuffed cats of hers. I was nervous that later in the trip she'd have a meltdown for the orginal. She faird well and only had a minor melt sown the last evening.
The water was awesome, I just love this lake. So natural no house around it and the water is SO clean. In a busy day on the lake you might get 3 othe boats out there.
The boys were busy with wakeboarding, fishing and bike riding. The boys even talked me into trying wake boarding. I tried four times to get up but gaveup because my hands/arms were so tired from holding onto the tube a few hours earlier when Kailtyn went tubing and I was dragged be hind the tube around the lake. I could only hold on by three fingers to leave room for her hands on the tube handle. Make next time, the boys said I walmost had it ;)
Sean was not there on Thursday night, he had to work friday and Monday ( hence the boat towing was left to me ) I also had to setup the tent for Kaitlyn and I thursday night in the dark with the headlites . It was a liberating expereince to realize I could do it all if I had too. I even help the other couple who had never set up a tent se tup their and the boys borrowed a hotel size tent.. but forgot their pool table to move in .. the tent was HUGE. By 1:30am friday we were all setup. There were only three other site occupied in the 23 site. It was a full moon and so pretty under the stars. Next time we have to bring a telescope, it would be awesome to setup off the Dam and view all the stars.
No fish were caught by our boys but some one caught a GOLDEN TROUT? ok.. GARY CUTTER never refered to them as GOLDEN TROUT so is this a California name or something? Brown and rainbow okay but Golden? hmmmm
Anyways were now home safe and sound and exhausted.
Sounds like fun,fun,fun was had by all.