Its been a LONGGGGG time coming.
The fall of 2004 we added onto our home, we added two bedrooms and increased the master bedroom and remodeled our master bath to include a two person jaguzzi tub.
The tub had to be purchased in Sept 04 and was delivered on our anniversary on Oct 6th 2004.
The contractor needed to before the framing so they would be able to get the tub upstairs.
The said tub sat in my unfinished bathroom for the last 4 year in its orginal wrapper.
Many golf seasons have come and gone and I have been a VERY patient wife.
I was not until Kailtyn started to nagg her father that she had outgrown the standard size tub and that he NEEDED to fix HER big tub.
So since Sean has been off work for the last three week, within a week he finally finished the tub enough for us to enjoy. The custom cabinet have to be ordered to cover the side of the tub and the whole bathroom floor still needs to be laid but.... we can use the tub and boy did we!
It's amazing how quickly little girls can get their dads to do things isn't it?