Friday, August 17, 2007

Lots going on....

There is never a dull moment and for this I feel I am blessed... tired but blessed.
The last week we have survived the ups and downs of life rather well.

Kaitlyn had strepp throat and very high fever. The doctor visit included strepp culture, blood work and a pee sample.. The last was the worst. Then the issue with the Amoxacillin.. we did not get the pink stuff... we got orange.. it took both Sean and I to hold her down to take the orange stuff... we both felt like horrible parents. The next day I DEMANDED the pink stuff.. so a few more days of that...

Matt has completed his first week as a Junior in a new high school and was ontime EVERYDAY... now thats something to celebrate!!!

The Toy recall put me in a tail spin, I scoured the house for every polly pocket piece.
Although Kaitlyn doesn't put anything in her mouth I wasn't going to take any chances with the daycare kids... not to mention our two retrievers who greet us with toys in their mouths everytime we come back to the house. I boexed up all Polly stuff and sending them away!!!

I gave my notice to my last daycare family. I am ready to go back to work. The job search and getting back in touch with old contacts has me on an emotional roller coaster. So many possiblities. I'm excited , nervous and anxious. I am looking forward to getting out of the house and using my brain. I feel good that Kaitlyn is in school and enjoying it.

The diet plan has been derailed because of the emotional rollercoaster of this past week, however getting on the scales this morning I still lost 2 lbs without trying... is worrying a fat burner? I thought stress makes you retain weight. Anyways I was thankful as this weekend I need to shop for something to where for interviews....

School is going great. love this Marketing class I'm taking. Iam hoping to find a local job so I won't need to use valuable school/study time to commute. I WILL complete my degree in 2008 its a must!

Anyways the ranting is done, documenting is done.. its time to move on to the weekend.
Saturday I am going to go scrapbooking from 10 am to midnight!!!! I am so excited I haven't done this in a couple months. I usually don't get much done but the soical aspect is soo much fun!


  1. Busy,busy,busy, Good luck in job hunting.It will be different from baby sitting but you will be talking to adults again.
    Uncle Hop and I are leaving Tues. for 5 days in Pittsburg.Taking your father's boat and the dog. Should be interesting.WE are renting a cabin on the first conn.

  2. Good luck with the job search and hope you had fun scraping!
