Thursday, June 28, 2007

New Bike for Kailtyn

Mr Daddy bicycle man said bike number two was too samll for this girls LONG legs so he bought her a 20" frame this past weekend. The family set out Sunday for a bike ride in a nearbike park. Kailtyn got out of the parking lot area and got off... we're having a hard time getting this girl to ride her bike in places other than the house!!!! And this bike is getting too big to be ridden in the house....

just LOVE the pic of Sean and K at a distance.... he is so patient teaching her how to ride.. how to do something HE loves himself.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Love this son on mine lately!

Matt has been an awesome kid the last few months. The last three weeks he has been supportive and just a real delight to be around. He's even
been giving me a kiss goodbye when he leave the house to go riding his new bmx bike.
Of course he is now taller than me .. but he's been so sweet. He's really been a joy to have around when Sean hasn't been home much due to work. So its been US 2 "adults" at home most of the time during the week. Just basking in the great feeling that it has been right now.
Hard to believe he's 16 and only two more years of high school.. my first baby growing up into a man... how awesome is that!!

A Star is Born.....

Okay well maybe not quite but with her soical butterfly gene lets just say this one did not have one once of stage fright.
Her group did well for 3-4 yearolds.
Her group performed 16th place in order of the nightly program so they did well to hold it together backstage for that long.
The overall show was nice alot of talents girls and even a handful of male dancers in the jazz and hiphop classes.
Glad dance and the recital is over and the lazy schedule of summer can truely begin.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Mystery Photo

Where do you think this photo was taken ?

could be anywhere right?

is this an old photo I scanned OR is it something I took on a recent trip?

take a guess...

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Dance Rehersal

We survived our first dance rehersal.

The girls were very patient and we waited a long time for our time.

The picture retake wasn't as I thought it would be... I;m thinking I'm going to have to have her formals done later... can you blame me? $50 for the costume?

It was very neat to see all the other groups practice too, I am getting excited about the whole show. We have a show both saturday and sunday at 7pm. I get to be a backstage mom on sunday.. so I hope to bring my camera since we're not allowed to bring them to the shows.

The costums were very cute and can't wait for Sean to see it!

In case you were wondering

why do I blogg ? why do I include so many pictures?

I blogg because I like to share... share my life, I hope I can inspire someone and bring a smile to someones face who may not be having a great day.

Its a way to stay in touch with friends and family that otherwise I may not get the moment to call and share... and how can you share pics over the landlines?

Blogging have brought me close to my family that has become spread across the country that otherwise don't have the time to communicate not because they don't think about it but because of lifes time constrains. Its fun to jump online and check out my familys bloggs and I get the connection everytime there is a new post... I love it... blogging has made me realize I have alot more incommon with my families every day life than ... love it!

then the second reason is to document, since what was left of my free time is consumed with school till next May, I have been using my blogg to document events, both the everyday and small to later inspire me to create a scrap page. Blogging helps me with the journaling aspect of scrapbook those photos ect. Although I have to admit due to time constraint I have been trying to squeek in a few digital pages here and there because its so much fast than the tradition paper and sissors. Although I miss the feel and creative juices that start to flow working with the different mediums..... ok May isn't that far away.

Blogging... I love it it makes me feel connected to my life on so many different levels.

First camping Trip of the year

It is hard to believe that I did not take out my camera for the whole trip!
We went up to Sly Creek Resvior ( okay I'm not a good speller here) friday.
With Sean working in Yuba City , 40 minutes north of sacramento, it appears we are going to have more camping trips because Sly Creek is only 45 min east of Yuba! Sean's company rented a furnished apartment up there so he has been coming home usually once in the middle of the week, unless he needs a Kailtyn monster hug.
With that said it was up to Matt and I to load up the camping stuff. He was a good sport about the task knowing that the end result was close at hand however it gave him a realization on how much packing and work goes into a camping trip. He helped with the shopping and packing.
LOVED this kid this weekend, I was beaming with pride, he even endured the Preschool Christian music on the ride up Friday! ( I thought I heard him humming one of the song during the trip .. shhhh don't tell anyone)

The lake was beautiful as always, it was low because of the lack of rain we had this year. It drops a foot a day ... so maybe by August we won't be wake boarding on the lake.

Despite our best efforts to have someone up there early to reserve sites , they lost them. So in the dark we had to try a new camp area on the other side of the lake.. the ranger said the camp had better beach. The campsites were great, so much more trees and there were even empty sites! By 11pm we were all setup in the dark with no neighbors to wake up.

When setting up we discovered the tent for Sean and I and Kaitlyn was not packed, someone had an extra two man tent... I volunteered to sleep in the back of the excursion to give Sean time with Kaitlyn and Kailtyn could have the tent experience... yeah it was such a sacrifice.

We spent the days taking turns with the teenage group for the boat. IT was the life floating on a gorgeous lake basking in the sun and enjoying adult beverages. Kailtyn enjoyed jumping off the boat and into the water over and over again.

I had to come home sunday night but Matt had the opportunity to stay up there with our friends and their teenager. He came home last night Wednesday with Sean for his midweek visit.
Matt was full of excitement and stories.. he learned to wake board and had a great time. ( Thanks Michelle)

I'm still in awe that I did not pull out the camera even once, I guess I was living the memories instead of shooting them and I guess that's okay once in a while.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

What is Summer without swim lessons

Signed up Kailtyn for swim lessons at the same pool the boys took theirs.. felt a little strange.
They placed her in the same class although I FEEL she needs to be in the next class because of her ability and she shouldn't stay in a class that is going to bore her because of an age thing. So I'm going to cancel the second set of class I signed her up for..

she has made great strides in swimming this year already and the season has just begun. She goes under the water for a long time... making mom nervous and she jumps in without a floating device now... also nerve wracking. All and all she is a little fish just like her Mommy and its awful trying to get her out to go home.. as they say what goes around comes around... I'm getting payback mom and dad don't worry even from number three!!!

Monday, June 11, 2007

Play with my new friend....

Mr Telephoto Lens....75mm-300mm

Incase you can't tell, I love pictures, my blog posts seem naked without pics.

I have been inlove with my Digital Cannon Rebel XT since last August when my husband brought it home for me.... one of the best gifts he has EVER given me ;)

anyways in honour of Kailtyns first Dance recital I HAD to get myself the Telephoto len I have been drowling over of course to document this event..... as my husband says you have to have the right tools to get the job done right... so I seized the moment. ( Nice Justification huh?.. sounds good to me anyways)

My lens arrived friday and I have been playing with it every chance I get...

I LOVE the way I can capture the expression without being in the face to get the photo...

I took it to Dance class today and played while all the girls danced around.... I got this adorable expression on Kailtyn from WAY across the room... LOVE IT... I'm sure you'll see just how much I love it in the months to come....

Friday, June 08, 2007

Learning the Letters

Its just amazes me how we learn to write.

Kailtyn has been working on her letters since February and now can write them all.

I LOVE these wipe boards I picked up at Walmart, she loves to "PLAY" with it learning to write her letters.

Isn't just great when they have fun learning.
Can't you see the smile behind the board?
I am so proud of her!

She can almost write her first name... but gee whiz poor kid has ten letters in her last name
Its almost like spelling MISSISSIPPI! and "S"s are a little tricky still.

Of course she will spell her name right but if she doesn't will anyone know the difference?
I haven't come across anyone yet that knew how to spell SCHOENEMAN correctly the first OR even the second time never the less remember it ....glad I only had 6 easy letters!

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Schools out for Summer!!!!

Well it was out last friday but already a week has whizzed by...

This first week has been just relaxing, sleeping in for the boys and Kailtyn understanding its summer vacation and there is no school. There has been lots of crying jaggs about this concept. Thankfully this girl LOVES school. She starts Kindergarden two weeks before the boys.

No exciting plans of yet for the summer, hopeing to get in a couple camping trips like last year to Sly Creek. I do plan for the fourth to wake up extra early to expereince the balloon lift off again. It was soo cool last year I went with just the boys.. this year I am PLANNING the event.
Donuts, coffee and a blanket to watch the show from. Maybe we'll even go to the firworks this year at our High school football field and expereince the ground shaking while taking in the beautiful display of the firworks.... yeah I think its time to venture the crowds....

Summmer is different this year because the boys want jobs and I still have school.
I only have one family I do daycare for this summer and both of them are mobile and well behaved for me, so with the parents permission and Matts help ( he didn't get into summer school) I will try to plan a field trip a week. Its amazing what you find on the internet about your local surrounding... something even you didn't know exisited and I feel I am more aware of my surrounding than your average Joe. FOr example who would have thought there was a volvanco park in the Oakland hills? Pretty wild huh?
So I hope to get a few field trips in as it will probably be my last summer to spend much time with the boys... I'm hoping they will warm up for the camera so I can so good pics .. they are such young men now.

Ahhh summer, not the same her in CA as it was for me growing up in a small New England town where I would lay on the beach all day swim in the lake and have carefree days. Crowds what are those? At least I didn't expereince them on the small lake in the area I grew up in.
the only bad memories of NE summers... mosquites!!! especially buzzing around you head while you trying to sleep under the stars.
CA worse summer thing.... 108 degrees! Guess I will suck in the sunshine in the lovely 80 degrees this week before the heatwave begins.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Preschool Graduation

Cal feels like the party state... we make a big deal out of everything... so with that said we had to celebrate the end of preschool and graduating up to Kindergarden.....

all Kaitlyn cared about was the cake; the frosting to be exact... just like her mumma